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编辑:【海南省合唱协会】 更新时间:【2017.10.24】 浏览次数:【2766】
      该团现有团员70人,是由南湖区机关各部门热爱合唱的爱好者组成的业余合唱团。2012年赴维也纳金色大厅参加“唱响五洲—元宵之夜合唱音乐会”;2013年赴台湾参加“中华情•宝岛颂——两岸新春合唱音乐会”, 并获第十二届中国(温州)合唱节比赛金奖;2014年获浙江省第二届合唱节金奖;2015年获全国首届“中国和之声”声乐大赛“最美和声”奖;2016年获“美丽中国•肇庆合唱周”成人组混声合唱A级荣誉。合唱团于2013年获得“全国优秀合唱团”荣誉称号。

Dunhao Choir in government institutions in Nanhu District, Jiaxing
Dunhao Choir is an amateur chorus group made up by a bunch of musical loves in government institutions in Nanhu District, Jiaxing. It possesses 70 members currently. In 2012 it took part in Lantern Festival chorus concert in Vienna Golden Hall with a theme on Singing Across Five Continents. In 2013, it headed for Taiwan for participation in New Year’s chorus concert which sings the Chinese brotherhood across two straits and ode for Taiwan. Besides, it gained the gold medal in China Chorus Festival competition in Wenzhou in the same year. Later, it was the winners of gold medal in the second Zhejiang Chorus Festival in 2014 and was awarded the best harmony in the first China harmony musical voice competition in 2015 and honored as A-level adult mixed chorus group in Beautiful China, Zhaoqing Chorus Week. Moreover, the choir was conferred the honorable title National Excellent Chorus in 2013 

嘉兴市南湖区机关敦好合唱团团长 徐文煦

嘉兴市南湖区机关敦好合唱团指挥 王尧忠





电  话:0898-66233615

传  真:0898-32699303

邮  箱:dechangbi2010@aliyun.com

网  址:www.hnhcxh.com



CopyRight 2014-2015 All Rights Reserved 琼ICP备15000410号-1 版权所有:海南省合唱协会 邮编:570102

联系电话:0898-66233615 邮箱:dechangbi2010@aliyun.com 地址:海口市海府路168号金鹿大厦7楼711室 技术支持:绿色创意