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编辑:【海南省合唱协会】 更新时间:【2017.10.24】 浏览次数:【2635】
      中欧校友合唱团成立于2008 年11 月,由秉承“快乐歌唱,歌唱快乐”的理念的近百名热爱生活、向往和声之美的校友组成,特聘国家大剧院青年指挥家孟幻担任艺术总监。成立9年来,合唱团先后参加了每年的返校日汇报演出、中欧15、20周年校庆晚会、中欧北京2010年新年音乐会、北京郊外大自然音乐会等,还成功举办国内首次EMBA合唱比赛。2016年合唱团更以7月首次参加北京国际合唱节、12月在国家大剧院的首演为标志进入突破性发展阶段。
CEIBS Alumni Choir
Founded in November 2008, Alumni Choir of China Europe International Business School is consisted of nearly one hundred alumni who have a great passion for life and beautiful harmonic and stick to the concept of singing happiness and singing happily. It invited MengHuan, a distinguished youth conductor in National Centre for the Performing Art, as its art director. From 2008 on, it has engaged in many occasions, including annual concert on Homecoming Day, the galas to mark the 15th and 20th Anniversary of founding of the school, 2010 China-Europe New Year concert in Beijing, Nature Concert on the suburb of Beijing and had a successful host of the first national EMBA chorus competition. 
What’ more, the past 2016 witnessed it for the first time to participate in Beijng International Chorus Festival in July and perform in the National Center for the Performing Arts in December, marking a big breakthrough in the course of its evolution. 






电  话:0898-66233615

传  真:0898-32699303

邮  箱:dechangbi2010@aliyun.com

网  址:www.hnhcxh.com



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联系电话:0898-66233615 邮箱:dechangbi2010@aliyun.com 地址:海口市海府路168号金鹿大厦7楼711室 技术支持:绿色创意