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编辑:【海南省合唱协会】 更新时间:【2017.10.24】 浏览次数:【4109】
      晋城市群众艺术馆“太行风”合唱团成立于2005年。2011年以来,多次参加国家、省、市级合唱比赛,均取得优异成绩。2014 年作为全国唯一一支合唱团,受邀赴沈阳举办合唱示范讲座和专场音乐会演出;2015年参加第十届“三晋之春”合唱比赛,获得社会专场一等奖;同年参加第四届黄河大合唱全国邀请赛(宁夏),夺得最佳编创奖和最佳演唱奖;2016年举办《红色记忆》晋城市纪念建党95周年暨红军长征胜利80周年大型合唱音乐会;同年参加中德文化交流演出——荣耀之声世界经典合唱音乐会,与德国汉诺威女子合唱团同台演出,受到德国十字勋章获得者古顿•诗荷菲指挥的高度赞扬。
Taihang Wind Choir
Established in 2005, Taihang Wind Choir is a group of Mass Art Gallery of Jincheng, Shanxi province. Since 2011, it has engaged in several chorus competitions at national, provincial and municipal level and acquired great achievements. In 2014, as the only national chorus team, it was invited to hold demonstration lecture and special concerts in Shenyang. 2015 witnessed it as the first prize winner in special concert in the 10th Shanxi Spring chorus competition and  best adaption award and chorus award winner in the 4th Yellow River Cantata National Invitational in Ningxia. In 2016 it hosted a big chorus concert in Jingcheng city named Red Revolutionary Memory to mark the 95th birthday of the Communist Party of China and the 80th Anniversary of the victory of Red Amy’s Long March. At the same year, it participated in performance for Sino-German cultural exchanges named Glorious Voice-world classical chorus concert in which it had a chance to sing with Hanover Female Choir and receive high acclaim by Gudrun Schröfel, a Germany conductor who has been conferred German Cross.









电  话:0898-66233615

传  真:0898-32699303

邮  箱:dechangbi2010@aliyun.com

网  址:www.hnhcxh.com



CopyRight 2014-2015 All Rights Reserved 琼ICP备15000410号-1 版权所有:海南省合唱协会 邮编:570102

联系电话:0898-66233615 邮箱:dechangbi2010@aliyun.com 地址:海口市海府路168号金鹿大厦7楼711室 技术支持:绿色创意